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  • S
    Seems an awful lot from 1 super if it's a national shallow!! I usually get 8-10kg (17-22lb).
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Latest time to buy bees.
    I would agree! And if you have a good opportunity to acquire bees now I would do. It's only the start of August, I would expect even a...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Supers and varroa treatments.
    Interestingly looking at the home office website it only specifies oxalic acid 10%w/v as controlled, so (although probably not intended)...
  • S
    The version I've heard/read was: "Swarming in July - let the buggers fly!" This would imply not worth catching, but I think the rhyme...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Hello & Honey Bees help.
    Yes they are honey bees. How long ago did they arrive? It can be a big job to remove them, if they are getting into the house by...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Latest time to buy bees.
    Whereabouts are you? Arkansas USA? Oxford UK?
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Latest time to buy bees.
    Flip side: 12 frames is a full hive, you can buy them, watch how much they are storing, maybe add another box if needed, and start...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers and a new queen.
    Assuming you have another colony I'd make up a nuc for the new queen, leave the possible laying worker colony until it's clearer what's...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Everything I have heard/read & understand about LW hives is that due to pheromones from the LWs the colony "thinks" it is queenright and...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Use your critical appraisal skills, cross check with multiple sources, check out the references and stay sceptical, get multiple...
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Supers and varroa treatments.
    As I have lots of wood to bleach and rust to remove I've just ordered a goodly amount.
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Some stuff here
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Except that they have been shown to make orientation flights I think from day 3 after emergence.
  • S
    It might be worth looking at plastic waste tube (eg B&Q) if you can fit it to your vacuum (duct tape?)
  • S
    Sutty replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    I've wondered, given a laying worker colony with lots of foraging bees, whether placing a Q+ colony on top separated by mesh and with an...