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  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Parsonage Bees's post in the thread Fireweed, hawthorn and lime with Like Like.
    You have one of , if not THE, biggest bee farmer in the UK just south of you and he's had a dreadful year. I follow Murray McGregor...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    Re-reading this thread your comment " I have been keeping and teaching beekeeping for years, now," struck me as incompatible with...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Another nasty bee question with Like Like.
    That's probably because the nuc had been denuded of all its flying bees (the ones that exhibit the excessive defensiveness) and the...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Another nasty bee question with Like Like.
    It's not defeat, just tactical withdrawal ;)
  • rolande
    rolande replied to the thread Another nasty bee question.
    Ludicrous advice. As if you'd want to recombine if the requeening failed
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Wax Moth? with Like Like.
    Study the combs and look for aberrations - web trails, frass (wax moth poo) or cocoons hidden under the frame lugs, between bottom bars...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to enrico's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    I am getting a similar situation locally. I try and explain to them that they need to change their queens for the good of us all but...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Michael Palmer's post in the thread What went wrong in round two? with Like Like.
    So you're checking for eggs at 12 days after giving the cells? How old were the many days after graft? My cells are...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    Far more to temperament than meets the eye, definitely. A four year old queen at one apiary has been a star performer in all aspects...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to SWEET's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    You assume it's the Queens genetics and not the sperm she is holding that is creating those subgroups of sisters you are seeing that...
  • rolande
    rolande replied to the thread Hi, Chris here..
    I have a lot of sympathy with the baseline of this thread; don't tolerate aggressive bees. It's something I've been saying for a long...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    it's all the rage now, always easier to blame someone else, petrol, and walk away rather than tackle the issue.
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Hi, Chris here. with Like Like.
    Seems bit extreme? We all get Iffy colonies Sometimes really iffy Here's one. We requeened it and they were fine It's not as if you...
  • rolande
    rolande reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread CBPV or something else with Like Like.
    It's a personal observation with a sample of one beekeeper but for almost all my beekeeping time I've thought many of the problems...
  • rolande
    rolande replied to the thread Keeping Warre's commercially.
    Warre did, as I believe Bernhard Heuval did/does. ICKO in France sell a warre frame extractor (at least, they certainly did up to quite...