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  • P
    Penninetrader replied to the thread Hive loss.
    Hopefully you will have a clear answer after your inspection. What will you do with the small colony to give it a chance ?
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    Penninetrader reacted to Topcat33's post in the thread Hive loss with Like Like.
    I did not look in the brood chambers after September as I didn’t want to disturb what I thought were great colonies. I am bringing the...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Hive loss.
    Did you find the Queens ? Dead or alive ? Sounds more likely untimely Queen loss. i got caught out by this on what I thought a foolproof...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Essex new boy.
    Pure Gold every one
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    It would be handy :) Sadly it obviously depends on what people have left over from their normal jobs (or there are some I've seen that...
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    You have been a busy lad, they deffo will not get lost in a crowd. You will have to keep your eye out for camouflage to wrap your out...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Understanding behaviour.
    When you are in a bind, it is how hard blue clay is described by navvies when they were tunneling and came across that natural material...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Drones still around.
    One thing for sure, they will not consult us on their decision making.They are much smarter than we.
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    Penninetrader reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread L.b.k.a. with Like Like.
    Uh-oh. There is no obligation to have one and in some cases beginner learning & independence can be suffocated by a mentor that may...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Price of Land?.
    Some years back the then competent lads dropped off a gully cleaner for me, they are custom made and very simple but do the job, they...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Time the shortest of commodities
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Price of Land?.
    Spent years doing similar with no help from others equally effected. Once I am gone it is unlikely anyone will know where the old...
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    Penninetrader reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread Price of Land? with Like Like.
    Following the 2007 flooding in my village the parish council set up a flood action group. For my sins I ended up as chairman. It...
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    Penninetrader reacted to Macbear's post in the thread Price of Land? with Like Like.
    Whilst trying to remain politically neutral, it seems to me that there are moves especially by central government and county councils to...
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    Penninetrader replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
    Imagine if any mass marketed honey product had to undergo testing and have a clearly labelled rating. Especially so if the product is...