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  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
    Teach your computer they are spam then you can delete them without even knowing they are there.
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to rossbyjove's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Haha Haha.
    I went to buy a guitar strap priced at £1. The guy started doing exactly this. I told him it would cost him £5 for my details. He lost a...
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Super above or below? with Like Like.
    I’ll second that Also the pollen knocks out as a fine powder in the spring
  • Moobee
    Moobee replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
    I had two - a Buckfast which was slow to get going but has been really good and a Ligustica which has been a complete pain - very swarmy...
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Sad Sad.
    I bought one too (and I’m very pleased with her), but the emails just don’t stop, despite following the unsubscribe option.
  • Moobee
    Moobee replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
    Very apt on this topic.....
  • Moobee
    Moobee replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
    I bought a few queens and am now bombarded with emails on a regular basis....
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Sad Sad.
    I’ve “unsubscribed” from BMH emails four times now and they still come…..
  • Moobee
    Moobee replied to the thread Hagens Bees.
    It's a breach of data rules - sharing data without any lawful basis is unlawful. I have never had any contact with Hagen's Bees...
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to rossbyjove's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
    Emails eco friendly? Think of everything that was built/manufactured for you to be able to send that email. You can compost junk post.
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to Wilco's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
    And all the data storage facilities running 24-7 for all those people like me who are rubbish at deleting old and spam emails or have...
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
    You understand that unsubscribing often gets your email address onto a list of people who actually read UCE (because you found the...
  • Moobee
    Moobee reacted to polomadh's post in the thread Hagens Bees with Like Like.
    Because it is unsolicited. This is the whole point of General Data Protection Regulations, it is to ensure that companies safeguard...
  • Moobee
    That’s just ridiculous 🙄
  • Moobee
    Wow....pretty envious. I have a few customers who buy regularly but being out in the sticks has its disadvantages. The local BKA still...