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  • mbc
    mbc reacted to GaryH's post in the thread Selling, we are doing it wrong. with Haha Haha.
    Apparently I’m related to a Nigerian princess …. She’s sent me emails to send her some money
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to rossbyjove's post in the thread Selling, we are doing it wrong. with Like Like.
    I think there was more chance of him being Jasper Tudors son. Buried at Keynesham abbey, the remains of the buildings are just behind...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to Hedgerow Honey's post in the thread Selling, we are doing it wrong. with Like Like.
    Pi--'s me off we have to suffer an English man as the Prince of Wales.
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Selling, we are doing it wrong. with Like Like.
    No, just twaddle (which comes to the same thing). Pointless confirmation of fact as if 'Sourced Carelessly' would be a reasonable...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Time to change our tune? with Like Like.
    Indeed. I'd guess that the mere act of flying around actually has the potential (excuse the pun) to strip electrons off atoms in their...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Breeder Queens and genetic classification with Haha Haha.
    Best not to think of any 'F' grading.
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to masterBK's post in the thread Time to change our tune? with Like Like.
    Most of the pollen in honey comes from pollen that drops etc from the anthers into the nectaries rather than from pollen brought back to...
  • mbc
    mbc replied to the thread Time to change our tune?.
    Not this 'energy', just a scientific fact, bees are electrostaticly charged hairy creatures which will collect lots of airborne...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to fian's post in the thread Doff of the cap to the NBU with Like Like.
    https://weatherspark.com/compare/y/37691~33006/Comparison-of-the-Average-Weather-in-Torquay-and-Viveiro "Santa Maria de Ortigueira" is...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to Karol's post in the thread Doff of the cap to the NBU with Like Like.
    Weather and climate are related but are two different things. Galicia may have had unseasonal weather which impeded Velutina. The UK has...
  • mbc
    mbc replied to the thread Extractor.
    I have a lyson 20 frame, nothing wrong with it but its not been used for several seasons now, its just kept as back up. It was...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to madasafish's post in the thread Time to change our tune? with Like Like.
    I simply tell any prospective customer who asks about hay fever that lots of people buy my honey as they THINK it cures their hay fever...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Time to change our tune? with Like Like.
    To be honest ... I have no desire to convince anyone whether honey is helpful to their hay fever - you can rabbit on as long as you like...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to Moobee's post in the thread What’s your labour rate? with Like Like.
    Absolutely. It was a to let my OH know how much it cost to get started as so many people starting out don’t realise that you don't just...
  • mbc
    mbc reacted to fian's post in the thread Doff of the cap to the NBU with Like Like.
    If the climate has a clear effect, which would have to be scientifically verified, In Galicia the incidence of velutina was lower this...