Recent content by Mary R

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. M

    Swarm in Compost Bin

    Success....brood box full and they are drawing out comb. New hive meant to be here tomorrow so the DIY will begin.
  2. M

    Swarm in Compost Bin

    Thanks of the replies and advice, this is really helpful. Quick update.... Greatfully received a 2ft x 2ft piece of plywood from carpenter friend who also cut a hole around 6 inches by 6 inches into it. Placed plywood directly on top of compost bin and placed old super with new frames covering...
  3. M

    Swarm in Compost Bin

    Thanks for the replies..... I have ordered a new hive today, hopefully it will be here in a few days and I will have a go at putting it together (DIY skill will surely be tested). I did consider buying a nuc but thought a hive would be more useful long term. The bin is full up to approx 10...
  4. M

    Swarm in Compost Bin

    Hi and thanks for allowing me to join. I’m relatively new to beekeeping and inherited a hive last year which appears to be doing quite well (extracted 30lbs this year already). I received a call this evening from a friend who has a swarm in their compost bin (they said they witnessed the dark...