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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. J

    A swarm has been sitting high in a tree above my apiary for 8 days now, despite good weather. Have they decided to stay?

    Last year a swarm stayed on the gutter of our house for 13 days both on top and under the gutter. Weather was mostly good but they did get some rain. There was minimum activity while they were there. I saw them depart on the 13th day disregarding my bait hives. They left no comb behind.
  2. J

    Buying a table saw

    I am very happy with my Evolution Rage 5. The fence is locked at both ends and it is very easy to fold up. The arbor I think is non standard and Evolution have a limited range of blades. There is an adapter that to take standard blades. Watch the YouTube video reviews on it.
  3. J

    one handed queen catcher

    One handed queen catcher While it is very good at marking and clipping the queen, I have misgivings about it as a queen catcher. If you examine it you will see that there is a small gap between the base of the unit and where the slide comes across. It is very easy to injure the queen while...