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  1. J

    Sting count already exceeded last years total

    Haha harsh but I'm sure you have learnt your lesson ;) . My daughter 4 got stung 2 times in space of a week. New queen is nasty so removed her but she was large and lovely yellow abdomen. When I was doing that only got jeans, hoodie, head veil and gloves but they somehow managed to get in so got...
  2. J

    Bee Farm

    Just to update you. After loads of complaining and emails/telephone calls I got a refund. Still to this day no queen. I have since purchased from Becky's bees which I know are good so expecting them soon. Very disappointed that the queen didn't arrive as they stated and I do understand...
  3. J

    Bee Farm

    They sent it first class not second. I gave an example of where I purchased something from Scotland second class on Tuesday this week and has arrived today but something first class from Coventry being sent to Brum hasn't arrived yet all my post are on time. Also the queen was purchased last...
  4. J

    Bee Farm

    Bought a queen last week Wednesday but had to make a split Tuesday as they couldn't wait any longer. Still no damn delivery even though it was dispatched on Tuesday this week. I tried to explain second class post is arriving today that was bought and dispatched on this week Tuesday. She kept...
  5. J

    I killed the queen on first inspection I would look now for any frames with queen cups. If it was supercedure than a chewed open cup would be visible. I think she was a you said on coverboard. Tried to get in but got cold and made a slow walk in but couldn't recover. Others...
  6. J

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yes. If all frames are full with plenty of bees at different stages than now would be the best time! It will give them a chance to build quickly for summer and have a fighting chance for winter! What type of hive do you have? Also are you going to buy a queen or let them rear own queen?
  7. J

    when to pack the bait box away ?

    I caught a swarm 5 days ago. It was a large swarm too. They made home to a box full of old comb that was left over from a hive that died over the winter.
  8. J

    Got a swarm

    Thanks for the reply. I have managed to scoop up half and put them in but half would fly away lol. I will keep at it till only a few left. A lot more than I thought
  9. Swarm


  10. J

    Got a swarm

    entrance image bottom view image One hive died in early spring but I left the box in same position with frames. Come today noticed a lot of activity and had a closer look. I thought it was my other hive robbing at first but could see quite a few hanging at the edge. Went round the side and...
  11. J

    Anyone else seen this?

    Back to the point Manuka honey in England is impossible. It only grows in Australia and New Zealand. So it's simply miss selling and is illegal. Just like me making a Cornish pastie and selling it but it's produced in Birmingham... it's illegal.
  12. J

    Too late to start a nuc?

    Still plenty of time. All depends on queen and your area / What type nuc you have. If it's a poly nuc then go for it!
  13. J

    Night time

    Is this a joke? If you are serious then don't use white light. The bees will be after it like moths. You need to use red light but inspection would need to be at a minimum!
  14. J

    kitchen towel oxalic acid method

    but using the vap could burn the hive and bees. seems a faf? the trickle is hit or miss and excessive imo especially with the reports people been giving with failing hives not correctly administering. the towel method is good as its 30 days in the hive without breaking brood and or concern for...
  15. J

    kitchen towel oxalic acid method

    looking to buy a fogger but they are darn expensive at around £100. currently in talks with a supplier for around £50-70 mark dependant on bulk sale. saying that I did find this interesting read on using a paper towel method using glycerine...