Recent content by humphreys941

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  1. humphreys941

    I'll kick this off with Chris's post.

    Hi Steve. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, very busy just now. 1. My first 2 Nucs came from a club member in 2018 and 2019. Both are still alive, now 6 and 5 years old. And believe it or not, but he Queen from 2018 is still alive and kicking. Yes It may be unbelievable, but it's true...
  2. humphreys941

    Me and my bee.

    Hi. If anyone is saying they don't have Varroa, then they are living in cloud Cuckoo land. I have Varroa, every colony has. But I and the Bee's manage them. Part of My IMP is Mite counting, which I do 4 times a year or sooner if the colony is showing any signs of any sort of trouble. I have two...
  3. humphreys941

    Me and my bee.

    Hi It's nice to talk..... As I said at the start. I'm no expert, and I don't want to start a heated debate. It's the way I keep Bee's, and it seems to be working. My IMP is there if I need it, and I will have no hesitation to use a Varroaicide if the situation arises. But to date It has not...
  4. humphreys941

    Me and my bee.

    Hi Ely. It's good to talk. Let me just say I'm no expert. I don't want to start a heated debate on who's right and who's wrong. It's just the way I have decides to keep bees. You know the saying. 'Ask 10 beekeepers a question and you'll get 10 answers'. We all have your ways we do things. Right...
  5. humphreys941

    I'll kick this off with Chris's post.

    Hi My name is Chris. I'm the Chair of Lancaster beekeepers. I have been keeping bees now for 5 years, 2023 will be the 6th. I have been a treatment free keeper from the start. I know, this can be a decisive subject, but I believe The bees and mother nature will sort this problem out themselves...