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  1. Haroldf

    One sealed cell, no queen - suggestions ?

    I have received two mated queens yesterday for some other Planned splits, could I Use one of those queens into the hive , and take down the supercedure cell? Would this work, with a proven queen ?
  2. Haroldf

    One sealed cell, no queen - suggestions ?

    Hi. Weekly Saturday Inspections, also checked on Tuesday, (for some Reason- unsure ) but today Saturday Have found what looks like just one supercedure cell on the side a frame in the main Brood area. Looked for queen countless times today nowt, no eggs visible either. Can’t understand why...
  3. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    Me to! 😳
  4. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    Sound advice - thank you !
  5. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    Ok great advice - if the boxes are a good 8 frames full of bees at present, with brood buildup in a Few weeks, do you think that there’s a chance of a single super of honey this year when put back on (of strong enough ) or have I “missed the boat” this year ? - I’m Living in Betws 👍
  6. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    To have stopped the queen laying in the supers ?
  7. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    So Would it be best to remove the supers (and store them uncapped) and excluder, and get the brood box full ? And feed up besides their own forage brought in ? sounds like I’ve done it arse around ?
  8. Haroldf

    Queen excluder on growing colony ?

    Hi, Quick question, I have 4 nucs bought in April this year, all hived and growing out gradually, most with a good three /5 frames of BIAS. I’ve got no previously drawn supers , and was wondering if I should keep the excluder on, or keep it off to allow the faster drawing of the supers ? (Some...