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      Eyeman replied to the thread At the entrance.
      Turned out the cluster under the OMF were bees from the nuc. Now closed off that space under the entrance.
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      Eyeman replied to the thread At the entrance.
      See where you’re coming from. Part of original colony clustering under OMF from misdirection. Will hopefully find a virgin queen in the...
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      Eyeman reacted to enrico's post in the thread At the entrance with Like Like.
      That is a bit of an unfortunate gap right by the entrance. I think I might block that off. Mesh floor?
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      Eyeman posted the thread At the entrance in Beginners Section.
      Honeybee nucleus colony. Activity at the entrance is often a clue to what is going on inside. This time under the floor. Honeybees are...
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      One of the benefits of clipped queens. Bees can fit your schedule! Single swarm cell? Did you shake bees off other frames? I presume you...
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      If this colony with the 2 small QC was weak it may partly explain the poor quality QC
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      Eyeman replied to the thread Unplanned requeening.
      By the time I’d brought the mini nucs home to the incubator the noise level told you they knew they were queenless. Same with using...
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      Eyeman replied to the thread Unplanned requeening.
      I used to run virgins into mini nucs when I had them emerge in an incubator without any difficulty. You knew they’d been accepted when...
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      Spot on. Make sure it’s mixed well. I do 6kg in one go with dough hooks for 2 min then into 9 takeaway tubs.
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      Eyeman replied to the thread Should I feed?.
      Clearing supers at the same time as supplementary feeding. Prefer to do this when supers are still occupied as quicker than shaking the...
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      Oh Yes. Then lids on for storage. Doing the same in the cut comb containers for the mini mating nucs. I like to leave them 3 weeks...
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      My 3 frame mating nucs normally have takeaway fondant tubs as feeders. Switched to home made sugar bricks, half the price & last twice...
      • IMG_8307.jpeg
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      Eyeman reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Splitting for swarm control with Like Like.
      Yes, Wally Shaw stated with certainty that they wouldn't, but in swarming season I'll bet they would. JBM will clarify: he either...
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      Eyeman replied to the thread Splitting for swarm control.
      So if you take the Q out into a nuc. The colony will raise emergency QC’s. As it wasn’t in swarm mode what are the chances of the colony...
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      Stacking vertically also means that your wife/partner does not complain about the number of hives springing up in the garden which can...
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