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  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to JamezF's post in the thread hello from new member in London with Haha Haha.
    It's possible that you might still have time to get in touch with WSET and join one of their wine stalking courses, too. James
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to enrico's post in the thread hello from new member in London with Like Like.
    An hour's drive is quite a long distance. I would suggest you get a locked unit to keep all your kit in. I get fed up of walking 100...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Feeding in October.
    In principle, yes, because the colony will then sit in the warmest part of the hive under a sealed & insulated CB, but it is too late in...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Feeding in October with Like Like.
    sorry, can you explain? but they don't need to be fed - and feeding in dribs and drabs is never the answer anyway they have got food -...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Feeding in October.
    The test for winter weight is to lift up the hive an inch with one hand at the back under the floor. Easy, or does it feel nailed down...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Feeding in October with Like Like.
    not really, if it was done earlier (at least a month and a half ago) they would have had a chance to rearrange all the stores which you...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Feeding in October.
    Ah! Berkshire!! Does depend where you are, Will, because what works in Plymouth is unlikely to do so in Perth. I guess you mean smaller...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Labels.
    You are, Lindsay, and so are we all, and the Orkney TS were quite right to encourage you all in that direction. Last week I stopped at a...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Labels.
    Years ago we were taught that red and green should never be seen. Where did they get that daft idea?
  • ericbeaumont
    Hi Paulypaul, Apologies for the delay in responding—we had a warm, clear, and dry day here in Gloucestershire, so we took full...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to lindsay s's post in the thread Labels with Like Like.
    Thanks for the feedback. My partner says I have absolutely no perception whatsoever when it comes to coordinating colours. Luckily I...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont replied to the thread Labels.
    Wasp honey, Lindsay? 🙂 Have regular calls to say they're definitely honey bees, but when the caller hears that a wasp is striped...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to robmort's post in the thread Labels with Like Like.
    If you want your label to stand out then a modern, clean design is needed. But people will buy the jars for the contents anyway even if...
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Labels with Like Like.
    I think they are lovely I have this as the background to one of my labels
  • ericbeaumont
    ericbeaumont reacted to BeeKeyPlayer's post in the thread Syrup “honey” with Like Like.
    I read an article from some time back by an American bee farmer making the case that the 'honey' his bees made from the high fructose...