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  • drex
    drex replied to the thread oxalic Acid for Instantvap.
    You need to know it is 99% pure oxalic if buying straight oxalic dihydrate
  • drex
    drex reacted to pargyle's post in the thread The National Uncapper with Like Like.
    He's already offering it to forum members at a 'friends rate'. To be honest - with only a few hives you are probably better off with a...
  • drex
    drex replied to the thread What records to keep ?.
    When I just had 2 hives, (many years ago), I did Not keep records as I could remember stuff. Records are now essential for me to know...
  • drex
    Vaped the hives. All but one really bursting at seams with bees . The odd one was half full. All hefted OK too.
  • drex
    The really important number is those that are not killed and we can never know that unless we sacrifice all the bees and brood.
  • drex
    My dad was a moulder, constantly shoveling sand. When he retired he brought his shovel home. It had a mirror finish on it. Now the blade...
  • drex
    I too thought it was a QE as there are some bees stuck halfway through it. Also think it shows a lot of chalkbrood. I am with JBM 's...
  • drex
    drex replied to the thread Winter treatments with supers on..
    It has been shown that colonies are more likely to be broodless in November rather than Dec/Jan. I would normally have vaped by now, but...
  • drex
    drex reacted to Podilia's post in the thread Summer review with Like Like.
    As for honey the season was not good. There was a heat wave in July. The temperature reached unbelievable 40C when sunflower flow...
  • drex
    Firstly, make sure you have an agreement with the committee as to who runs the apiary. As apiary manager you need free rein to arrange...
  • drex
    I admire your ambitions. I took over a neglected club apiary last year. I am experienced. My first task was to sort out and clean up...
  • drex
    I agree with the advice above, to first handle a full 14x12 frame. I find them too unwieldy so I stick to BS national deep. Try to have...
  • drex
    drex replied to the thread Are you still inspecting? November?.
    Through practical experience I am learning good husbandry. That tells me to open at this time.e of year is not in the bees best interests