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  • drex
    3 weeks ago I thought I had a classic supercedure . One QC, on face of comb , old queen laying ( very slow) . Left them to it. Today...
  • drex
    drex replied to the thread Disappointed i am honey bound.
    Despite getting the bbbka starvation alerts I have never had to feed my bees. It is an " alert", so I bear it in mind when I assess my...
  • drex
    drex reacted to Wilco's post in the thread What are your"Favourite" mistakes? with Like Like.
    Forgetting to zip up the veil on my suit. Wasn't great last week whilst splitting a colony which has started erupting in a cloud of...
  • drex
    In a cage. Tab off after 2 days
  • drex
    I think it is suggested by Laurence at BMH. Bought one of his queens recently. Old one out, new one in worked a treat
  • drex
    Still a bit early. Try a test frame. I got 3 queencells out of top box. Left one there and 2 went in nucs. All are laying nicely. Top...
  • drex
    drex reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Mail Order Queens with Like Like.
    Such a blissful ideal could only have existed before humans arrived, but once rudimentary man rose on two feet and developed between his...
  • drex
    drex replied to the thread Triple swarming hive.
    However you choose to keep your bees, I urge beekeepers to think before doing and to work with the bees and not against them. Think...