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  • Do224
    Ah ok, I thought nucing the queen was necessary to prevent losing a swarm. So it’s ok to reduce to one queen cell and leave the existing...
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to Gordon.Grant's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    They will still try to swarm but if the queen is clipped you won't lose the bees. They will return to the hive when they realise the...
  • Do224
    I’m still confused. Why do you choose to clip the queen instead of nucing her in this scenario?
  • Do224
    Can you explain your thinking behind this? Why won’t they still try to swarm with the clipped queen and failing that with the virgin...
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Will they still draw cells?.
    Well rightly or wrongly I’ve combined them with a q+ nuc now. Perhaps I should have waited longer then
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Will they still draw cells? with Like Like.
    Yes but remember to remove the test frame if there are larvae viable enough to make more queen cells while uniting
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Will they still draw cells?.
    They’ve got two supers on. I want to combine with a q+ nuc. Do I just put newspaper and a qx over the top super then transfer the nuc to...
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Will they still draw cells? with Like Like.
    Sounds like they are queenless
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Will they still draw cells?.
    Yes, emerged queen cell seen on 19th (it was still capped on 18th). This seemed very late for emergence though as the queen was nuc’d on...
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Will they still draw cells?.
    Should I assume this hive is queenless based on what has happened? Virgin emerged on 19th so surely they shouldn’t be drawing cells now...
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to enrico's post in the thread A flow at last with Like Like.
    Everything open round here from lime to blackberry and all my swarm and split hives have filled at least one super in a week. The only...
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Will they still draw cells?.
    Checked this frame today and it was full of capped cells. No idea what to think. Tore the cells down
  • Do224
    Do224 replied to the thread Micro mini colonies.
    I expect that’s what has happened in both instances. I really don’t think either of these will have a queen with them. It’s happened to...
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Micro mini colonies with Like Like.
    I wonder if a swarm has arrived & then left again, and these are a few bees left behind. I'd move the hive and shake them out near your...
  • Do224
    Do224 reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Unexpected Drone cells... with Like Like.
    It's not that bad ... cut a few of the lumps and bumps off it ... another year or two in it ...I've got worse in some of my hives...