Recent content by davnig

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  1. davnig

    Hive Theft - M***

    Didn't seem right to me, I didn't forward it on, not enough to go on
  2. davnig

    Moving new nuc

    posts deleted which referred to other posts of which original remains - nothing nasty
  3. davnig

    Moving new nuc

    again, this rewriting of history to seemingly protect one of our elder members - does he have pictures?????
  4. davnig

    should you mix bee types

    Well, you will lose al the genetics from your original dark strain of bees - all new bees from new queen will be a mix of the yellow bee genetics and whoever she mates with. So basically, yes it will.
  5. davnig

    Queens: to clip or not? that is the question.

    Now see, I don't clip mine because I have them in my garden with neighbours around. My reasoning is that there will be more local disturbance by the bees milling about longer and closer because the Queen isn't around which will disturb the neighbours more; whereas if the Q can fly they will go...
  6. davnig

    should you mix bee types

    He's not talking about Queens mating across types as far as I can see but about introducing eggs to raise a new queen- that won't cause the type of next generation nasty hybrids you are referring to, just a new queen
  7. davnig

    should you mix bee types

  8. davnig

    What happens in a Demareed colony?

    That's the idea, mine still built swarm cells in the bottom box - little bleeders!
  9. davnig

    Second hive tactics....

    standard beekeepers sequence - 2 hives year 1, 4 hives year 2, 8 hives year 3 working for me Iol l must unite, l must!
  10. davnig

    Swarm mode post demaree

    I had exactly the same situation yesterday, demareed, 3 weeks ago, no brood in top box, but had swarm cells in bottom, even though brood only on 3 frames and 4/5 undrawn frames, hey-ho. So removed demaree'd box from top and used stores from that and Q from bottom to do an AS, nuc method, seemed...
  11. davnig

    Honey pollen analysis

    oh yeah, had forgotten about that!
  12. davnig

    Honey pollen analysis

    thanks , I was going to go to iplayer and get the details but you've saved me watching that drivel again ta :)
  13. davnig

    Demaree'd, now what to do with frames

    no worries :)
  14. davnig

    queen excluder

    wire with wooden frame don't use plastic - sags & sticks don't use zinc - sharp edges - and sags and sticks
  15. davnig

    Demaree'd, now what to do with frames

    I used 2 supers. It is quite high but actually the top box is at quite a nice height to inspect. I can see that it could become quite hard work to do, luckily i'm still fairly flexible with some upper body strength!