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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    Hi from Newry ,Northern Ireland

    Thank you for this,I was thinking they are hardly going to like the box when they've decided they like living in my house ! I'll contact them .
  2. B

    Hi from Newry ,Northern Ireland

    Yes this is the swarm,the quality is poor,sorry.
  3. B

    Hi from Newry ,Northern Ireland

    They are honey bees! Here is a little guy that someone brought in on their shoe. A bee keeper has called to have a look but they are very frantic he couldn't get near them.
  4. B

    Hi from Newry ,Northern Ireland

    Hi everyone,I'm just looking for some advice. I'm not a beekeeper but have been thrown head first into the bee world! A colony have decided to build a hive in a vent above my front door. It blew off in latest wind and suddenly we have these new visitors,a massive swarm. I've got onto a local...