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  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    I have put in a 2nd test frame of eggs and young larvae, which I will check tomorrow.
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    Everything I have heard/read & understand about LW hives is that due to pheromones from the LWs the colony "thinks" it is queenright and...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to jarmo henttu's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    Give to the hive frame on young larvae. Bees start ro rear queen cells and laying workers will be vanished. That shaking magic is from...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Thank you, it’s nice to get some constructive friendly advice from you and most of the other forum members who have contributed and...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Wilco's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    You can almost feel their expectation can't you.
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Moobee's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Love Love.
    One colony had a queen cell very close to emerging. Sadly I had to get home as I wanted to stay & watch. I did observe that the hive was...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Bird Feet.
    You’re right but we just couldn’t stomach it, as when the lid was lifted the smell was just like when we are mucking out our free range...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread Bird Feet with Haha Haha.
    You should always try that sort of thing when on holiday as you will probably never get the chance again. 😀 Duck tongues and chickens...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread Laying workers? with Haha Haha.
    Long time since I’ve be asked that!
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    they don't hang around long anyway, shook one out off a two hive stand last month, by the time I'd packed up the truck and did the usual...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    It’s a double brood which is well populated
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    No, but many do unfortunately, as others have said, people wanting to make a name for themselves just copy and paste from previous...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Vanterrier's post in the thread Laying workers? with Haha Haha.
    Like "testiculating" = waving arms around whilst talking bollocks... K ;)
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to beeker's post in the thread Laying workers? with Haha Haha.
    🤣🤣Sorry, bought out my inner child 🤣
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    Many of the published beekeeping books seem to be collections of regurgitated ideas from other beekeeping books. If you're lucky they...