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  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    I don't think I had great success with it, but I can't recall it well. It was a weak colony in a poor area. I thought it was because...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Wilco's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Sad Sad.
    Had a call around 20:15 this evening. Some kind individual had dumped a box of bees on a rec ground at the end of someone else's...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to user 819's post in the thread Unexpected Drone cells... with Like Like.
    Cut it back to near the top bar and place it betwen a pair of worker combs , preferably a swarm or if an established colony during a...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Moobee's post in the thread Unexpected Drone cells... with Like Like.
    Liking that idea. I’ve got a few frames that look like the surface of the moon with some very creative comb.
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Unexpected Drone cells... with Like Like.
    It's not that bad ... cut a few of the lumps and bumps off it ... another year or two in it ...I've got worse in some of my hives...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to user 819's post in the thread Unexpected Drone cells... with Like Like.
    Frames like that I cut back to a 1" top strip and place it between a pair of nice worker frames, with a good flow it will be nice...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    How long did it take for your multiple egg laying Queen to settle down?
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Yeah I think you’re right to suggest a really careful look through the BB’s. I’ve been searching for a marked Queen, but need to start...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    Here is a photo I took of multiple eggs in cells in a queenright colony. I was able to see the queen on the comb, so different to your...
  • BeeBird
    Massive result this weekend. A swarm exited from a quad brood nuc right in front of me as I was preparing to split it up for some of...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird replied to the thread Laying workers?.
    Thank’s James, yes I wondered about the eggs at the bottom of the cells. I’m hopeful that it is a newly mated Queen starting to lay. I...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    Come to think of it, if you've not seen the queen or eggs for a while until today then perhaps they've swarmed/superseded and the new...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Laying workers? with Like Like.
    There are always laying workers in the hive :) If everything looked good last time you inspected (and that was recently), then I'd...
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird posted the thread Laying workers? in Beginners Section.
    During inspection today found these in one of the hives 😳that I suspected was Q- I have put a test frame in, but just wanted advice, do...
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    • IMG_5781.jpeg
  • BeeBird
    BeeBird reacted to gwt_uk's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Lovely and warm today. Checked up on a few colonies. Lots of nectar coming in and a variety of pollen colours. Spotted eggs in a Nuc...