Recent content by Anduril

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Anduril

    Foundation from china Back in 2017
  2. Anduril

    Varroa mesh question

    The main one that is recommended is the mesh company, but one of the more recent ones is PLUK.
  3. Anduril

    Virtual Hive Pictures

    You live in Iowa?
  4. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    You can buy in the UK, but it's expensive.
  5. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    Now use the same test for durian!
  6. Anduril

    Best Timing for Splitting a Hive?

    March or April would be too early for a split, you may not have 8 frames of brood to play with. But you could use the rapeseed flow to build them up quicker and then splitafter the flow. Or if they built up enough you could split them during the flow.
  7. Anduril

    Best Timing for Splitting a Hive?

    In another thread that has been started, it will be the introduction of a mated queen.
  8. Anduril

    Bee defibrillation

    The benefit of this idea is that they are not using shop bought honey to revive the bees.
  9. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    Reminds me of Bigclivedotcom who drank spirits with cheese that was past it's sell by date as an experiment, just before going on a flight. It can also be done with carbonated drinks. Needless to say he didn't fall ill
  10. Anduril

    Car keys with buttons.

    I hope we haven't got any beekeepers who work in insurance on here after your admission.😉
  11. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    A tradition of Burns Night usually for me. Scotland hasn't been blessed with my presence since 1990.
  12. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    When I was 16, one company I worked for had that delicacy once a week, you had to order it the day before. That reminds me I forgot to have haggis this year.
  13. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    Sweetbreads, tripe, chitlins, giblets trotters, pork cheek, tongue, heart. Still sold in Cardiff Central market. My parents and grandparents used to talk about it.
  14. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    The EU has now given the green light to the use of mealworm in powder form going into our food chain with no marking of the ingredients on their packaging (4g of mealworms in 100g of food). So due to the chitin content of bee brood and mealworm there is the potential for increased sensitivity to...
  15. Anduril

    Another beekeeping delicacy

    I went to a lecture in Cardiff last month, Cardiff Beekeepers. Professor Robert Pickard gave a talk about bees around the world. Bee larvae are as nutritious as beef.