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    • J
      Insulation can be problematic with plain nationals. One way out might be to invest in WBC lifts which take either WBC brood boxes and...
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread To think on.....
      What are we teaching in history lessons these days?
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread I need some advice please….
      I've really enjoyed reading this excellent discussion. Thank you all.
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Where do you recommend buying this bakers fondant from? Are they all much of a muchness?
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread Hi From Somerset.
      Welcome to a brilliant hobby. I feel so lucky that I followed Sherlock Holmes' example and took on a hive when I retired. From now on...
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      I've read this re sweet peas and broad beans - suppose any seed wd benefit from softening the skin before sowing,. Thought I'd try...
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread Bee-killing pesticides use banned.
      I see that Acetamiprid is still available in garden centres - but it is only classed as "moderately toxic" So that's all right. '
    • J
      judy12 replied to the thread Rubber mat.
      Mine have sat happily on their concrete paving slabs. - £1.00 each at the time, for 20 years - v. easy to keep clean.
    • J
      We were in France in October - standard price for a better espresso that Starbucks cd ever do was 1euro 50 - 2 euros.
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