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      rossbyjove replied to the thread Another hobby development.
      He had hurt his back two years ago and had just got around to it ?
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      Not sure how useful divining would be. It is offshore !
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      maybe we could use them to find out where Michelle Moan and Dildo Harding stashed the covid cash
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread To think on.....
      "grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” My...
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      rossbyjove reacted to Macbear's post in the thread To think on.... with Like Like.
      Does such an action always result in lasting beneficial change? Charles I was executed, and although I'm no monarchist, the Commonwealth...
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      rossbyjove reacted to Penninetrader's post in the thread To think on.... with Like Like.
      Our problem is that the recent election has clearly demonstrated we have no diversity in the political field, they are all pretty much...
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread Raping the planet.
      Bad coffee actually makes me ill. Avoid it at all costs !
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread Raping the planet.
      We do not need to drink milk. It's a choice. Don't touch the stuff or the non milk 'milks' either.
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread What's for supper?.
      I also having a sliding hernia. I even remember the moment I got it ! The medicinal chef series of books Digestion by dale pinnock...
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread To think on.....
      1984 was supposed to be a warning , not a template. If you vote for a dog eat dog society don't complain when you get bitten on the...
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread To think on.....
      There is no right, there is no left anymore. Just naked greed from those who can never have enough. The oligarchs won and no one is...
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread What's for supper?.
      We are talking 'on toast' here really ...........
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread What's for supper?.
      We always buy the large bag of chips when having fish and chips. That's enough for four people is their response. The secret is to...
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread Heroes.
      Went for a walk down by the banks of the river Avon and came back with a bag of plastic rubbish....retired.
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      rossbyjove replied to the thread What's for supper?.
      I had some serious stomach problems, Barrett's oesophagus and other things. Changed my diet. Cured completely but was still ill a...
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