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    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Not new just back with Like Like.
      After you take all your protective gear off, look out for bees on your suit etc. and any irritated bees still about, because not...
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to enrico's post in the thread Not new just back with Like Like.
      Welcome back. I go from m no reaction after many stings to bad reaction with the odd one in a year so I long decided the best path of...
    • Do224
      Bees now ignoring the bramble in favour of the lime. Didn’t expect to see the lime starting to come out so early up here in Cumbria
      • 9E73E73A-47CC-4B78-925C-8228626F7258.jpeg
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Mating flights with Like Like.
      Have look excited the bees got. Lots of them were not only hanging out on the front of the hive but also in a tree next to...
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Mating flights with Like Like.
      sometimes but not always. You occasionally get a few bees going with her to run interference, and if you are lucky you may witness a...
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Mating flights with Like Like.
      I go and have a look on the sixth day after emergence....providing I've done my sums correctly, I will sometimes see her. They will mate...
    • Do224
      Do224 posted the thread Mating flights in Beginners Section.
      Is it usually visibly noticeable when a queen goes on a mating flight? Does a swarm go with her or does she just go alone? How many...
    • Do224
      I had the exact same situation today…a single charged cell. I knocked it down and wondered if I’d done right…I feel better about it...
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Nucing a queen with Like Like.
      To be honest I don't think it has happened often enough to be able to give a meaningful answer. James
    • Do224
      Do224 replied to the thread Nucing a queen.
      How often would you say this happens? Is it more likely to happen if the queen turns out to be in the new hive or the old one?
    • Do224
      Do224 reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Nucing a queen with Like Like.
      If I happen to find the queen, Pagden. Because I've rarely been able to find the queen (particularly when the hive is stuffed with...
    • Do224
      Do224 replied to the thread Nucing a queen.
      What kind of split do you normally do when you find queen cells?
    • Do224
      I dunno, I’m always pretty amazed by the volume, accuracy and speediness of Royal Mail deliveries. I think we’ve got it pretty good to...
    • Do224
      The original queen and the new queen are both now doing well in other hives. Should have had plenty space…double brood and two supers...
    • Do224
      Do224 replied to the thread sugar cost and when to buy.
      Isn’t the dearth pretty much over now (genuine question from a much less experienced beekeeper)?
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