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    • drex
      drex replied to the thread No bees.
      Like Pargyle says, a small colony in a big big space. You have definitely had a rodent nesting in there ( hence the leaves). It is way...
    • drex
      The population will be at its lowest round about now, so no point in rushing. As JBM says wait until they have built up again before...
    • drex
      drex reacted to Moobee's post in the thread Top bee space or bottom bee space? with Like Like.
      I only scrape off any excess propolis that stops boxes fitting together properly or prevents frames going in and any excess wax off the...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      There are bakers and bakers. I have no problem getting fondant provided they bake on the premises and not just sell stuff
    • drex
      If the bolt that the gate pivots on is wrongly adjusted you get leaks. It should be adjusted so that the gate opens parallel to the...
    • drex
      I usually use a honey gate, but recently only had honey enough for 10 jars ( remains of last years crop). I used a jug and was surprised...
    • drex
      drex reacted to Penninetrader's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      I am curious how they know this, is it a lack of heat when lifting the roof, I hope they are not exposing the frames to cold. I take the...
    • drex
      For visits to our association apiary we insist on newly washed suits. Clean plastic/latex gloves. Any hive tools must be clean and...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      All mine are OK so far, including a tiny colony dummied down to 3 frames in a polynuc. However the real danger period is now and next...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread New starter in South Derbyshire.
      Well done for signing up to a course. However a weekender will skim the surface. Try you local assoc and see if you can join their...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Best Timing for Splitting a Hive?.
      I doubt whether either colony would be strong enough to benefit from the OSR flow. Too ambitious.
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Bee health check.
      Welcome. I hope you come to love and enjoy this beautiful hobby. The fact you are asking for somebody to come and look at your bees at...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Building a horizontal hive.
      Initially I built a Kenyan top bar to run alongside my Nationals. It taught me a lot about bees. After several years I converted it to...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Hi everyone!.
      Yes JBM. I have experienced similar. Changed their minds when surrounded by bees ( and I had chosen a well behaved colony). Mercifully...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Hi everyone!.
      Standard National for me too. I found 14x12 frames to be unwieldy because of their size. I agree with ericb above. Wait until after your...
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