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    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Hi everyone!.
      Yes JBM. I have experienced similar. Changed their minds when surrounded by bees ( and I had chosen a well behaved colony). Mercifully...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Hi everyone!.
      Standard National for me too. I found 14x12 frames to be unwieldy because of their size. I agree with ericb above. Wait until after your...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Wet supers.
      I know that Amari usually takes a hive or two to the heath in Dunwich ( Suffolk). Might be worth a DM.
    • drex
      Will always remember a quote from Bailey and Love's surgical textbook, the must read for any medical student in my time. An zx ray...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread The varroa solution.
      In the talk by Steve Riley I think he says the resistance is passed down the queen line only and not via the drones
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Everlasting paint.
      @Rory . Are your roofs watertight? Do you have insulation under the roof? Is ventilation adequate, or the colony small?
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Everlasting paint.
      I don't even bother to paint things like Demaree boards, as they are not in for that long, and over summer anyway. Certainly a...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Transporting colonies.
      Last year, I moved 3 colonies 360 miles in March. As you are doing with good ventilation. Frames orientated fore and aft. I stopped...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread Essex new boy.
      Strongly urge you to join your local division of Bbka. I used to live in Essex and was a member of the Colchester division. It was very...
    • drex
      Been on the tablets for that for months. They work well.
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread L.b.k.a..
      It is good to have someone with more experience to fall back on when really needed. I agree you need to find your own path, but start...
    • drex
      It half blew an old pergola over. I went to investigate and the whole lot gave way with about 6 rafters, of 6x3 about 10 ft long fell...
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      Not as scientific as you Giles. All I can say is it steams in right conditions
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      I have no bother with my dalek composter as long as I layer it, with mixes of green and brown and give it occasional stir.
    • drex
      drex replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
      I find this with manure too, but if I add in layers with normal compost able stuff, it really does heat up. The manure acts as an...
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