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    • R
      I guess a few on here have AH traps out; I'd be interested in reports of bycatch of the different traps. As one of my apiaries is a...
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    • R
      RJC replied to the thread chunk honey cut from frame.
      Well, they had a couple of frames, which they portioned up in advance. Apparently they sold really well, with cheese and biscuits, and...
    • R
      It's probably box moth, a recently established invasive species. A lot of formal gardens are having serious problems...
    • R
      Perhaps it is just simple timing. A 3 day old egg will be a queen 2 days earlier than a 1 day old egg, so better to start building that...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread chunk honey cut from frame.
      thanks everyone; really helpful
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread chunk honey cut from frame.
      Thanks; why would a frozen frame make (more) mess - too hard to cut; wax will shatter, or on,ly frozen to a'soft set' consistency?
    • R
      A place I supply wants to offer small (2cm sq ish) pieces of cut comb with their cheese and biscuits. I've said potentially a bit...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread What did you do in the Apiary today?.
      these caught me out today, alongside Q cells in two other colonies. All in one apiary - other apiaries nearby all behaving themselves.
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    • R
      RJC replied to the thread Plant ID Please.
      If I'm right then it is more of a large shrub than a tree, but can still get to 2-3 metres high, and as with all willows is thirsty, so...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread Plant ID Please.
      Gut feel is that it is one of the sallows/goat willows. Good for bees in the spring though when mature (catkins). If it has flowers...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread Plant ID Please.
      A picture of the whole the whole plant and a close up of the bark might help. I'm tending towards the sallow/goat willow option. If it...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread Plant ID Please.
      Bit difficult to tell from that photo - could be an apple (but leaves usually toothed to a degree) or looking at the way it is shooting...
    • R
      RJC replied to the thread What did you do in the Apiary today?.
      Warm here today in the sun, so transferred two overwintered very full nucs into hives, and then checked all my other hives. Most...
    • R
      looks like someone has been throwing those small polystyrene balls in the hedge...
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