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Field Bee
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Canterbury CT4 5HW
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I have seen quite a few users of Ultrabee posting comments, I thought this link may be of interest, A Comparative Test Of The Pollen Subs (Part 1 & 2) - Scientific Beekeeping
As for those of you commenting on price, choose the time of year to buy, if you see something and you need to use it tomorrow, as with most companies it will probably at its most expensive, buying long before you want to use it will save you money.
The powder is is easy to make up and any spare patties can go in the freezer. I don’t use it often but when I do the bees eat it no bother
If using a pollen supplement is part of your beekeeping then I suggest Ultrabee is the best of whats available in the UK. It's not without it's faults from a formulation perspective as I've detailed previously in a number of threads but it's streets ahead of anything else available here.

We use quite a lot of it at specific times, and it does what we expect. The recent increase in cost can be put down mainly to shipping and ingredient costs. Is it value for money ? I'd like it to be cheaper but the cost doesn't put me off because the benefit is worth it to us.

Just to be clear, I have no affiliation with Bee Equipment Ltd
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