Small cell foundation

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Thanks all

Needed a few sheets to get a few started, they can make their own once they get going. Might have a few spare frames of natural comb, so it was really for struggling swarms.

Dusty raised a good question "why is this in the beginners section" That doesn't appear to have been answered, especially as the OP has multiple hives shown on his/her profile. Should it be moved to the other place?
Dusty raised a good question "why is this in the beginners section" That doesn't appear to have been answered, especially as the OP has multiple hives shown on his/her profile. Should it be moved to the other place?

I don't think Dusty was asking why the question was in this section but rather requesting we elucidate (hope this isn't to big a word for the beginners section :)) as to what 'myth' had been busted for those a bit confused by the thread.
As to the OP posting here, don't you think that it is his decision whether he considers himself a beginner or old soak?
Why bother at all then? if you are going to leave them make their own just put starter strips in all the frames. They'll cope just as well.


Cell size will change as brood comb gets old - so keep old comb!
Hi Itchy,
Thanks for the question - another hypothesis bites the dust. Sorry, if you think me a bit picky, but swarms should 'in theory' be 'raring to go' when it comes to comb building.