Promiscuous Queens.

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Queen Bee
Nov 8, 2008
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From the ABJ,could go some way to explaing why the Buckfast is so successful,while others failed due to disease and other pathogens,maybe imports have some benefits,rather than trying to stick to one breed of honey bee.

Why Do Promiscuous Queens

Produce Healthier Honey Bee

Colonies? Study Reveals

Surprising Clues

WELLESLEY, Mass. -- A new study out of Wellesley College sheds light on the link between genetic diversity and healthier bee colonies—by revealing the makeup of the microscopic life found inside the guts, on the bodies, and in the food of these insects. For the first time, scientists discovered that genetically diverse populations of worker bees, a result of the highly promiscuous mating behavior of queens, benefited from diverse symbiotic microbial communities, reduced loads of bacteria from pathogenic groups, and more bacteria related to helpful probiotic species—famous for their use by humans to ferment food. The novel study provides the first major insight into how honey bee colony health could be improved by diversity.

The dramatic disappearance of honey bee colonies in recent years has led to growing interest in studying unknown aspects of this important pollinator, in an effort to understand what might be done to help save them. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is responsible in part for the loss of 30% or more of the U.S. honey bee population in every year since 2007. The continued loss of honey bees, which pollinate more than 400 crops worldwide, contribute to about a third of our diet, and add an estimated $15 billion in value to the country’s food supplies—could have devastating effects.

While the causes of the deadly disorder remain a mystery, researchers like Heather Mattila, a leading honey bee ecologist at Wellesley College, have long observed that a high level of genetic diversity within a colony—which occurs when a queen bee mates with multiple males—improves the colony’s overall health and productivity, though how colony members produce this effect was largely unknown.

Led by Mattila and Irene L.G. Newton, a microbiologist at Indiana University, the research team compared two groups of honey bee colonies. The first group consisted of genetically diverse populations, produced by promiscuous queen bees that had been inseminated by different mixes of 15 male bees. The second group of colonies was genetically uniform, comprised of offspring from queens mated with a single male each. Using 16S rRNA pyrosequencing, an advanced molecular technique that had never before been used to study active bacteria in honey bees, the scientists were able to identify and compare bacteria across the colonies. The results were astonishing.

The researchers found that diverse honey bee colonies showed a significantly greater variety of active bacterial species with 1,105 species, while only 781 species were found in uniform worker populations. Furthermore, active bacteria from genetically uniform colonies consisted of 127% more potential pathogens, while diverse colonies had 40% more potentially beneficial bacteria.

The team made another surprising discovery: four bacteria known to aid in food processing in other animals dominated bacterial communities in colonies, many of which had never been reported in honey bee colonies. Researchers identified Succinivibrionaceae, a group of fermenters in animals like cows; Oenococcus, which are used by humans to ferment wine; Paralactobacillus, used to ferment food; and Bifidobacterium, which is found in yogurt.

“We’ve never known how healthier bees are generated by genetic diversity, but this study provides strong clues,” said Mattila. “Our findings suggest that genetically diverse honey bees have the advantage of broader microbial communities, which may be key to improving colony health and nutrition—and to understanding factors that can mitigate honey bee decline.”

Newton explained the role these microbes may play, “We found that genetically diverse colonies have a more diverse, healthful, active bacterial community. Conversely, genetically uniform colonies had a higher activity of potential plant and animal pathogens in their digestive tracts.”

The discoveries are important because honey bees, like humans and other animals, depend on the helpful communities of bacteria that live within their guts. In honey bees, active bacteria serve a critical function – they aid in the transformation of pollen collected by worker bees into “bee bread,” a nutritious food that can be stored for long periods in colonies and provides honey bees with most of their essential nutrients. Most researchers believe that poor nutrition has hindered the ability of colonies to defend themselves against health problems, such as CCD.

Mattila, who has been investigating the benefits of genetic diversity in honey bees for seven years, was thrilled by these findings, which were made possible by incorporating Newton’s microbial expertise into the study. “It is our first insight into a means by which colony health could be improved by diversity.” She added, “It shows one of the many ways that the function of a honey bee colony is enhanced when a queen mates promiscuously, which is an unusual behavior for social insects. Most bees, ants, and wasp queens mate singly and produce colonies of closely related, single family workers. Honey bee queens are different in this regard, and this behavior has resulted in extremely productive colonies that dominate their landscape.”

Mattila’s earlier research had found that genetically diverse honey bee colonies are more productive, in part because their members forage at higher rates and more often use sophisticated communication methods, including waggle dancing, to direct nest mates to food. Maintaining diversity in honey bee populations is a challenge for commercial beekeepers, who have been selecting genetic lines for decades in an effort to promote desirable traits in bees—a practice that necessarily whittles down diversity.

Mattila shares her research with beekeeping groups, who she says are “intensely interested” and supportive of her research. She frequently speaks at national beekeeper association meetings and gives public lectures for people who simply want to know how they can help honey bees.

“I recommend that people advocate for bees and consider planting gardens that are friendly to pollinators. Bees should be promoted and not exterminated. I also encourage people to support local beekeepers by buying honey directly from them, which gives them more profit, and thus more flexibility to use techniques that are in the bees’ best interest, even if the methods are more intensive or costly.”

Is there hope yet for the plight of the honey bee? Mattila thinks so. “There is a large community of bee researchers in the United States and around the world, and we are doing everything we can to maximize the health of our most important pollinator.”

Increasing Genetic Diversity of

Honey Bees--A Necessity, Says


Susan Cobey

Dept. of Entomology
University of California at Davis
DAVIS--Increasing the overall genetic diversity of honey bees will lead to healthier and hardier bees that can better fight off parasites, pathogens and pests, says bee breeder-geneticist Susan Cobey of the University of California, Davis and Washington State University.

Just as stock improvement has served the poultry, dairy and swine industries well, the beekeeping industry needs access “to stocks of origin or standardized evaluation and stock improvement programs,” Cobey said.

Cobey is the lead author of the chapter “Status of Breeding Practices and Genetic Diversity in Domestic U.S. Honey Bees” of the newly published book, Honey Bee Colony Health: Challenges and Sustainable Solution.

“The many problems that currently face the U.S. honey bee population have underscored the need for sufficient genetic diversity at the colony, breeding, and population levels,” wrote Cobey and colleagues Walter “Steve” Sheppard, professor and chair of the WSU Department of Entomology and David Tarpy of North Carolina State University, formerly a graduate student at UC Davis.

“Genetic diversity has been reduced by three distinct bottleneck events, namely the limited historical importation of a small subset sampling of a few honey bee subspecies, the selection pressure of parasites and pathogens (particularly parasitic mites) and the consolidated commercial queen-production practices that use a small number of queen mothers in the breeding population,” Cobey pointed out.

The honey bee, Apis mellifera, originated in the Old World where it diverged into more than two dozen recognized subspecies, they related. However, only nine of the more than two dozen Old World subspecies ever made it to the United States and only two of these are recognizable today.

European colonists brought one subspecies, Apis mellifera mellifera or “The Dark Bee” of Northern Europe, to America in 1622, establishing it in the Jamestown colony. The bee was the only honey bee present in the United States for the next 239 years (1622 until 1861).

The Italian or golden honey bee, Apis mellifera ligustica, was introduced into the United States in 1859 and is now the most common honey bee in the United States. “Currently available U.S. honey bees are primarily derived from two European subspecies, A. m. carnica and A. m. ligustica,” the bee scientists said.

The U.S. ban on the importation of bees in 1922 to ward off a tracheal mite (Acarapis woodi) further aggravated the genetic bottleneck. Today the No. 1 enemy of the beekeeping industry is the parasitic Varroa mite (Varroa destructor), which has played a major role in the crippling decline of the U.S. honey bee population.

Found in virtually all bee colonies in the United States, it feeds on bee blood, can transmit diseases, and generally weakens the bee immune system.

What’s being done? “In the U.S. the recognized need to increase genetic diversity and strengthen selection programs of commercial breeding stocks has resulted in collaborative efforts among universities, government researchers, and the queen industry,” according to Cobey, Sheppard and Tarpy. “The current challenges facing the beekeeping industry and new technologies being developed are pushing beekeeping into a new era.”

To increase genetic diversity in the U.S. honey bee gene pool, Cobey and Sheppard are importing honey bee germplasm or semen of several subspecies of European honey bees and inseminating virgin queens of domestic breeding stock. They are also working on diagnostic programs to assist beekeepers to assess colony health and to evaluate commercial breeding stocks.

Cobey, who teaches queen-bee rearing classes and queen bee instrumental insemination at UC Davis and WSU, joined UC Davis in May 2007. Her research focuses on identifying, selecting and enhancing honey bee stocks that show increasing levels of resistance to pests and diseases. Cobey developed the New World Carniolan stock, a dark, winter hardy race of honey bees, in the early 1980s by back-crossing stocks collected from throughout the United States and Canada to create a more pure strain.

Sheppard , who leads the Apis Molecular Systematics Laboratory at WSU, studies population genetics and evolution of honey bees, insect introductions and mechanisms of genetic differentiation. His work was featured in a recent edition of the Washington State University Magazine.

Tarpy, now an associate professor and Extension apiculturist, at North Carolina State University, received his doctorate in entomology from UC Davis in 2000. He studied with Robert Page, emeritus professor of entomology at UC Davis who later became the vice provost and dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Foundation Professor of Life Sciences, Arizona State University.
I'm not entirely sure how you could condense that lot into " From the ABJ,could go some way to explaing why the Buckfast is so successful,while others failed due to disease and other pathogens,maybe imports have some benefits,rather than trying to stick to one breed of honey bee."
Nothing stopping a honey bee colony being genetically diverse and having the queen and all the drones who banged her being of the same subspecies.
I'm not entirely sure how you could condense that lot into " From the ABJ,could go some way to explaing why the Buckfast is so successful,while others failed due to disease and other pathogens,maybe imports have some benefits,rather than trying to stick to one breed of honey bee."
Nothing stopping a honey bee colony being genetically diverse and having the queen and all the drones who banged her being of the same subspecies.

:iagree: though perhaps I might have worded it more delicately ;)

All this proves is what is blimmin' obvious: the honey bee is designed to have a colony of genetically diverse offspring. Single drone matings give a large degree of bias to the hive's functioning and some jobs may not get done as well. Their sole function is for amplification of quantity and a quick turn around of genetic material in a controlled II breeding programme.

The rest of the article is American. In the UK we are awash with breeding material and if every beekeeper selected from his best and co-operated in breeding groups then things would improve quickly especially as regards temperament.
Nothing stopping a honey bee colony being genetically diverse and having the queen and all the drones who banged her being of the same subspecies.

But maybe not so beneficial,take acarine and AMM,could mating queens from the north of England with drones from the south of produced a resistant bee,i doubt it, because they died out from north to south,yet AMM crossed with Italian were better regards importing,even AMM from other countrys would be a better mix,but from many sub species even better regards genetic diversity.
We are lucky in this country to have such a mix,and reasonably healthy bees.
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I'm not entirely sure how you could condense that lot into " From the ABJ,could go some way to explaing why the Buckfast is so successful,while others failed due to disease and other pathogens,maybe imports have some benefits,rather than trying to stick to one breed of honey bee."
Nothing stopping a honey bee colony being genetically diverse and having the queen and all the drones who banged her being of the same subspecies.

Mattila puts up a good case for increasing genetic diversity. Cobey seems to want to acheive this by 'producing purer strains'- I think she may have missed the point a little here?

The point about Buckfast I would have thought fairly obvious- by crossing ssp it seems reasonable to suppose that you will increase the genetic diversity of the strain produced.
When carrying out II, how many different drones do you use for the sperm "load" and isit mixed in a special way?
The point about Buckfast I would have thought fairly obvious- by crossing ssp it seems reasonable to suppose that you will increase the genetic diversity of the strain produced.

I might be missing something here but surely as you begin to refine a population into a strain or breed you are narrowing the genetic diversity until they breed "true".

Initially it would increase genetic diversity in the early stages but surely the production of a strain narrowed this again.

I don't know about breeding insects but certainly the Luing breed of cattle was produced from crosses that were then bred with each other and selected to breed true. Wouldn't this be the same for Buckfasts?
But maybe not so beneficial,take acarine and AMM,could mating queens from the north of England with drones from the south of produced a resistant bee,i doubt it, because they died out from north to south,yet AMM crossed with Italian were better regards importing,even AMM from other countrys would be a better mix,but from many sub species even better regards genetic diversity.
We are lucky in this country to have such a mix,and reasonably healthy bees.

Is resistance and a lack of susceptibility the same thing ?
Either way I'm sure it would have been somewhere in the genes of British bees just as it was in bees from the continent, just that our bees had no reason to express resistance prior to IoW due to no selection pressure that way, presumably unlike the continental bee population.
Over the past seveal months I have had opportunity to listen to lectures by Jamie Ellis, Tom Seeley and James Tew. During lectures and Q&A sessions, reference was made to the relatively limited number of Queen breeders/rearers in the USA and there was a suggestion that the majority of queens sold are coming from limited genetic lines. If the queen rearing practices are effectively limiting the matrilineal genetic diversity (and also patrilineal genetic diversity where II is employed) the articles referred to by Hivemaker are pointers to yet another part of the jigsaw puzzle that is CCD.

I count myself as a learner beekeeper with a couple of year's experience but I have seen the vigor in what are clearly hybrid colonies as compared to some "strains" of bee. One only needs to refer to Bro Adam's "Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey" to note their practice of deliberatley using F1 Buckfast hybrids in their honey production colonies to take advantage of that hybrid vigor.

There is merit to using Natural Selection to develop strains of bees and again, I am reminded of the Buckfast practice of over-wintering Nucs in hostile conditions....

Pete, will you be or are you currently over-wintering Queens in similar conditions?
The promiscuity of the human female and male has been cited (or used as an excuse)for the same reasons IE, offspring having more varieties of strategies for survival ! Opposite end of the spectrum being "The village I d i o t"
When carrying out II, how many different drones do you use for the sperm "load" and isit mixed in a special way?

It depends on what you are trying to achieve,can be from as little as one drone,from several drones of one line...or from hundreds of drones from selected stocks and all homogenised.
I'm no scientist but there seems to be a flaw in their method. They contrasted colonies created from queens which had been fertilised with semen from 15 genetically diverse drones with colonies created from queens which had semen from a single drone. I would have though it would have removed one variable if they had fertilised this last group of queens with semen from 15 genetically identical drones - which would have been easy enough to do as all drones from one queen are genetically the same.

The reason for doing this is the diversity of the bacteria might have been simply down to the number of drones, not the genetic diversity of them. It's a bit like taking a child to meet as many sick children as possible in the hope they pick up immunity to a wide selection of bugs.
Thanks HM.
Do you notice any difference in the vigour of the queens using these different mixes?
There is merit to using Natural Selection to develop strains of bees and again, I am reminded of the Buckfast practice of over-wintering Nucs in hostile conditions....

Pete, will you be or are you currently over-wintering Queens in similar conditions?

Yes i alway have,simple 9mm plywood nuc boxes,some with top insulation.
BA used double skinned mating hives ,solid floors, and top insulation.
Either way I'm sure it would have been somewhere in the genes of British bees just as it was in bees from the continent, just that our bees had no reason to express resistance prior to IoW due to no selection pressure that way,

I agree,i'm sure that it would be somewhere as well,but perhaps it was a time thing,needed to re populate as fast as possible, BA rather liked the black bees of southern France,well some of thier qualitys anyhow.

This is an extract about them.

It is curious that with one exception the French bee has been accorded little notice outside its native land. Between the two world wars hundreds and thousands of artificial swarms found their way to England, and the importation of package bees goes on even now though to a less extent than previously. The outstanding ability of the French bee as a honey gatherer is a recognized fact in England.

Some 30 years ago I imported a substantial number of artificial swarms from Southern France and I have an extensive experience of the local strains which I came across in the different parts of the country. Although all these local strains have basic characteristics in common, they show essential differences in the way they emphasise one or other of these characteristics.

There can hardly be any doubt that it is a race in its own right, developed since the Ice Age from the Iberian bee as another variety of the Tellian group of races. All the characteristics of the Tellian are seen here as in a mirror. The rough edges of the character of the North African bee are more polished than in the Iberian, which is the intermediate race, with the one exception of the tendency to sting. On the other hand, a number of traits appear, developments of course of the potentialities that were already present in the primary race, of real economic importance.

The inordinate aggressiveness and fierceness of temper is the sole cause of her bad reputation in England and it is without doubt also her most serious drawback. It is not just a question of a strongly marked tendency to sting, but an urge to attack without reason and provocation anything that is in neighbourhood of the hive. Although this urge is a marked characteristic of the whole Tellian group it reaches its maximum, as far as I know, in the bees of Southern France. On occasion this extreme aggressiveness can constitute a real menace.

On the other hand, the French bee is endowed with an amazing energy and capacity for work. Indeed, as my evaluations have again and again shown, she clearly embodies the maximum ability for production of honey of the whole Tellian group. Her performance on the heather, especially in a second-cross, is unsurpassed by any other race.

The Tellian and its Iberian sub-variety makes very watery cappings without any space between the honey and the cappings. This kind of capping is of no consequence where extracted honey is produced, but spoils the appearance of sections. Among the French bees we came across strains with white cappings, however, not of the perfection of finish as made by the old English native bee; that is, pearl-white, raised and dome-shaped, and the outline of each cell clearly visible.

The strains in Southern France are generally very prolific with a loosely arranged brood pattern. In the northern half of the country, there is a progressive falling off in fecundity and a tendency to a more compact brood pattern. The swarming tendency is very much more pronounced in the southern strains than those of the north. As the honeybee does not recognise manmade demarcations and national frontiers, we can only consider strains of a given locality or region.

As with all varieties of the Tellian, the French bees have a very marked hereditary susceptibility to brood diseases. All the West European varieties are affected with this hereditary defect and in my view is a radical characteristic of the Tellian group. The old English was no exception, and as long as she was about our apiaries were never free from both kinds of foul brood, sac brood, chalk brood and a number of genetic abnormalities. Queens laying infertile eggs were common – a defect which to my knowledge does not occur in any other race or groups or races. It was curious that when queens and bees of this group of races were again introduced, sac brood and the other abnormalities quickly reappeared. A seeming disregard for the infestations of the wax moth is another serious weakness of this group of races.

Although at first sight the French bee would seem to be quite unsuited for cross-breeding she is, in fact, perhaps more eminently suited for it than any other race. She is endowed by nature with the whole gambit of all the good and bad traits of the Tellian, but no longer in their original intractable form. My experiments have shown that it is easy to breed out the worst defects, such as bad temper and the tendency to swarm. Although there are other races which have greater potentialities for higher production than the French bee, yet this variety possesses a unique linking of the most economic factors in an intensity not found in any other race or group of races. Moreover, this bee also offers us in the most favourable form for breeding purposes all the latent possibilities incorporated in the most important group of races. We cannot, of course, ignore the many very undesirable characteristics, but these offer no insuperable obstacles. I will give an example from my experience to show the possibilities this race can offer and the surprising results that await us in cross-breeding and the synthesisation of new combinations.

As we know, the French bee is black or dark brown, very aggressive, and given to stinging, extremely nervous and prone to swarm, propolises badly, and is highly susceptible to every known disease and abnormality of the brood as well as acarine. Yet in spite of this series of bad characteristics, we were able within a period of seven years, to develop from a cross with a our own strain, a new type which in colour was a deep golden, a golden tint which was far more attractive and striking than any other golden bee which has so far come to my notice. What was of greater importance, this new bee virtually could not be provoked to sting, and showed itself more gentle than the gentlest of Caucasians. It was, moreover, very quiet in behaviour, betraying not the least trace of nervousness when manipulated, did not swarm or propolise, was very prolific, excellent in performance, and showed no sign of any brood abnormality. In place therefore of a series of highly undesirable characteristics we had evolved a bee with an exactly opposite set of the desirable characteristics, and this to a degree never previously brought about – and this from stock which seemed in every way most unpromising. Unfortunately, this new bee had one major drawback: it was extremely susceptible to acarine, a defect apparent all along in the French stock and which again came to light in a highly accentuated form in the new type.

For commercial purposes the French bee responds best when crossed with Italian or possibly Greek drones. However, we have here a classic example of an instance where the best results for honey production are achieved in a second-cross, especially with a back-cross to drones of the above mentioned races. On the other hand, Italian queens crossed with French drones give best results in a first-cross.
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Fascinating.... My bees were a swarm so I have no idea what their genetic history or type is ... they are mostly small and black with a few that are slighly larger and have more yellow on them. There is a possibility that they came from feral stock as the area where the swarm landed was a long way (well over a mile) from the nearest known hives but it's not far from an area of woodland where I know there are still feral colonies in residence.

They are extremely well mannered, healthy and prolific and I hope to split them this year but it's going to be a bit of a lottery as to which drones the emergent queen will mate with -a fellow association member has his hives not far from mine and he has bees from hell !

I'd like to think that I can retain the characteristics of the bees I have now in the split, I don't really want to buy in a queen but it's a worry - I'm sure that any beekeepers who split and then let nature take its course have the same concerns, you just don't know what you are going to get - and it's something (as a Newbie) that I think of often ...

The question I ask myself most is: Are bee genetics the prime reason for bee health and behaviour or is it the conditions in which they are kept and the methods used by the beekeeper ? Are angry/unhealthy bees the result of genetics or bad beekeeping ? (I use 'bad' as an adjective only because my vocabulary this morning appears to be limited by the Chivas Regal sydrome ... and I'm certainly not pointing any fingers at anyone on here or holding myself up as a shining example of good beekeeping !).
Really interesting but hampers our attempts at selective breeding somewhat!

A low rate of recombination is used to the advantage of breeders of plants and animals. Haplotypes are are combination of adjacent gene variants which usually are inherited together. One would use this to help select "invisible" but beneficial traits in offspring using adjacent linked "visible" traits.

For example - say a gene for red vs black hair was closely linked to a gene for intelligence. one could, using the observation of a particular haplotype in the breeding population - e.g. intelligent gingers, for no particular reason ;-) - use the presence or absence of red hair in newborns to select likely intelligent individuals.
For example - say a gene for red vs black hair was closely linked to a gene for intelligence. one could, using the observation of a particular haplotype in the breeding population - e.g. intelligent gingers, for no particular reason ;-) - use the presence or absence of red hair in newborns to select likely intelligent individuals.

As Hitler and the Nazis practised in the 1930s : blue eyes and blond hair.

(Some turned out to have Jewish ancestors which rather screwed up the Aryan race theories:)