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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Antipodes

    What did you do in the 'workshop' today

    Steamed the wax from some queen excluders.
  2. Antipodes

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    Fantastic Bee Key. I'll just make up a mental picture of it. "Eggs begin to be forcefully reclined". Appreciated. I can sleep better now :hurray:
  3. Antipodes

    Advice on a single sealed QC discovery

    These may help.... And...
  4. Antipodes

    Bee sting protocol

    Yes, but of course, as we know, the 501st could have killed.
  5. Antipodes

    Bee sting protocol

    Teddy Wakefield used to just run each hand down his forearms a few times after working the hives to brush the stings off. I've been told they don't notice them really. Murray Arkadieff told a story once when they were moving a load of bees at night and the truck went over in a wet ditch...
  6. Antipodes

    Bee sting protocol

    They are commercial though, not back-yarders. We ran into a bloke here recently from NSW. He drove the semi-trailers for a beekeeping operation there with 14000 hives. They are often working them all day, taking them to different places and pollination contracts etc. You couldn't wear...
  7. Antipodes

    Affordable prewired assembled frames?

    I do that with all of mine (multiple times), except if the lugs are broken. Sometimes I'll re-tension the wires with the crimper. Takes a second or two. Popping in new foundation is a cinch.
  8. Antipodes

    Affordable prewired assembled frames?

    They are starting to look a lot more like what we use down here. Wire running across.
  9. Antipodes

    Affordable prewired assembled frames?

    Fabulous. I've got nothing else but flat sided bars. :)
  10. Antipodes

    Bee sting protocol

    I heard a (gloveless) commercial beekeeper recently saying he gets about 200 stings a day on occasions.
  11. Antipodes

    Any scouts at your swarm trap?

    The forecast later in the week looks good over there. London in particular. 23 degrees for four days in a row is good.
  12. Antipodes

    2 margarines in the fridge

    I'm not sure, but keep a keen eye on them. It's a great photo of the two queens and the cell in any case :)
  13. Antipodes

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I did this the other day looking down the frame -saw an opened queen cell (as in after the queen had emerged) but it turned out it was a supercedure cell just about to be capped and totally full of grub and royal jelly. I was too lazy to check properly. That was a bad one as it was the only...
  14. Antipodes

    First swarm.

    My thoughts too. A prime swarm can leave and settle very quickly (about 10 minutes) and are easily missed but as Sutty says, check the ground. I suspect this is one of the cast swarms (perhaps not even the first cast) with a virgin. The frames will need checking for other queen cells.
  15. Antipodes

    BBC recommend open feeding...

    Yes. Huge difference in managing home apiary bees and those a distance away and on multiple sites.
  16. Antipodes

    Recipe for beeswax coating for fruit and veg.

    Very popular here.
  17. Antipodes

    Is beekeeping getting harder?

    I was going to respond with a laughing emoji, but then I realised it would be inappropriate.
  18. Antipodes

    Is beekeeping getting harder?

    Down here in Antarctica, we are attempting to go back 1 000 000 years in ice cores to look....
  19. Antipodes

    Is beekeeping getting harder?

    It's tough, lurching from fire to flood and drought. The frequency and severity are increasing all the time. Then try to get insurance for bees these days here! Apparently many younger people are just abandoning insurance and if things go belly up, do the "go fund me" thing. Look at the...
  20. Antipodes

    Re-queening a very defensive hive

    I've sometimes just used a sheet of thick plastic (like forticon). You could poke some small holes in it I guess.