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  1. BeeKeyPlayer

    Bee sting protocol

    A year or two ago, I decided that I was going for zero tolerance of bee stings. Mostly I'm managing, even when some bees got into my suit on two days last week - till I found the secret gap in a seam (thanks for the tip, Emyr). So when I was dealing with four big colonies this evening, and was...
  2. BeeKeyPlayer

    Amm / Native Black Bee Discussion

    I've seen a talk on this by the same person at the National Honey Show. I'll listen to this version as a refresher course.
  3. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Will this still work for swarm control? I'm following Dan Basterfield on this. He says that swarming is prevented by depriving the queen of a large chunk of the foragers.
  4. BeeKeyPlayer

    How are they getting in?

    I know! In warmer weather I'd be wearing less under my suit... Not nice.
  5. BeeKeyPlayer

    How are they getting in?

    Bingo! I found a gap in the seam in the crotch - so the bees have the option to go down or up :ROFLMAO:
  6. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Thanks. Which box do you put the queen in, upper or lower?
  7. BeeKeyPlayer

    How are they getting in?

    In the past, if I had a bee inside my Sherriff suit, it was because I was chatting while zipping up and didn't do the job properly. This season, a couple of times, I've had a couple of bees inside my suit - and I can't figure out how they got in. After the first time, I taped over where the zips...
  8. BeeKeyPlayer

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    This, according to PlantNet, is Garlic mustard (a brassica) and it is flowering in huge quantities on untended land here just now, especially margins. I see it's also called Jack-by-the-hedge. I looked up mustard as a crop. It's yellow (no surprise) and, according to my source, flowers in late...
  9. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I did a vertical split on this colony a few days ago. They were already double brood and there was a lot of brood in both boxes. Very little stores. I made sure the queen was in the bottom box, rotated it 180°, gave them some fondant in an eke below the split board with the entrance facing the...
  10. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked hives in this apiary yesterday. The bees were quick to come out if the sun came out, but otherwise kept away from the chilly air. One hive had a drone laying queen. I was able to replace her a couple of weeks ago with a queen from a friend but the new queen, though accepted, is not...
  11. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I'm be very pleased to hear that a bald bee can still be a healthy bee! I've had a few colonies get full blown CBPV and I know the look (and smell!) of it. So when I see the odd black shiny bee, I think maybe there's a trace of the virus around. I don't worry about it (what would that achieve?)...
  12. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Saying something is simple doesn't make it so. Reminds me of George Monbiot ('It's simple: just leave the oil in the ground.')
  13. BeeKeyPlayer

    Delayed Inspection

    This year I'm hoping to prevent swarms with vertical splits. I've made loads of split boards with mesh on both sides of the hole. Some (eg David Evans who wrote a nice piece some time ago) say that a vertical split is like removing the queen in a nuc but keeping everything in the one stack...
  14. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    A balanced view. Nothing is simple when it comes to doing what's best for the planet. It seems every 'solution' comes with its own side-effects.
  15. BeeKeyPlayer

    Dealing with old comb

    I've thrown out my old frames till now but I don't feel good about the waste. So, with suggestions on here, I got a 45 gln drum, cut the top off, drilled a hole for a tap near the bottom, got a double gas burner, and made a stand. The only trouble is, there's a problem getting started with...
  16. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yesterday was my baptism by lanyard. I didn't trip all afternoon, and I didn't lose my hive tool. But it wasn't plain sailing. I used shock cord, about 5mm. The weight of the tool doesn't stretch it, but I thought it might be safer. I fastened it to my forearm. The thing that really surprised...
  17. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I had a proper look in my hives at the other apiary yesterday. It was 10C but the forecast for the next week was much the same. (It has been revised up a few degrees today.) I reversed the car down into the field and continued beyond the furthest hive. It gave me a view I'd not seen before with...
  18. BeeKeyPlayer


    Everything to do with yachts, right down to the loo roll, is expensive.
  19. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Yes, clearer in this picture. I presume we don't say where and spoil it for others 😉
  20. BeeKeyPlayer

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Ah, so you were looking for some help!