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  1. Dolcoath

    1st inspection - lots of bees; no brood/eggs; can't see Queen

    As I suspected, no queen, dwindling no of bees.... finito! That's me done with beekeeping
  2. Dolcoath

    1st inspection - lots of bees; no brood/eggs; can't see Queen

    It was a recently combined hive, recombined after a split from a newly established colony, if that makes sense. I took no honey off them and all supers had significant stores. A strong population of bees has come through winter, but I take your point.
  3. Dolcoath

    1st inspection - lots of bees; no brood/eggs; can't see Queen

    Thanks. It feels like spring today and I wanted to rearrange the stack (3 supers left on over winter). I'm keeping fingers crossed that I missed her and the prolonged wet has put her off laying.
  4. Dolcoath

    1st inspection - lots of bees; no brood/eggs; can't see Queen

    My first inspection of the year today (my 1 and only hive). Bees have been quite active for a while so far this spring, some pollen going in, so hopes were high. However, I couldn't see a Queen and there was no brood or eggs. An optimist might say the cells looked polished, but I'm not so sure...
  5. Dolcoath

    Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile.

    not funny
  6. Dolcoath

    Partially capped frames - tips on getting them capped

    Just taking off my honey crop for this year and, frustratingly, the majority (large majority) of super frames are only partially capped (say 30 to 50%). I'm aware of advice to shake the frame to see if unripe honey comes out and also that I could buy a hygrometer to check water content, but I'd...
  7. Dolcoath

    Honey - more effective than conventional medicine

    A quick scan of the paper doesn't reveal what dose they used - 1 teaspoon a day, 3 a day, 3 tablespoons??
  8. Dolcoath

    Buoyant roadside honey sales since lockdown

    On 1 April 2015 the business and operations of the Food and Environment Research Agency (Fera), an Executive Agency of Defra, transferred to Fera Science Limited (FSL), a Joint Venture (JV) between Defra and Capita. Their website is at